
名課堂 - 企業管理培訓網聯系方式

















【時間安排】:2025年08月23日 到 2025年08月24日4980元/人

2024年09月07日 到 2024年09月08日4980元/人

2023年09月23日 到 2023年09月24日4980元/人



【其它城市安排】:上海 深圳



手  機: 郵箱:











Part I: Interesting Theories of Negotiation Equip You with the True Essence of Negotiation

1. 囚徒困境談判

Prisoner’s Dilemma Negotiation

2. PRAM 談判

PRAM Negotiation

3. 從公平理論中尋找如何實現雙贏

Look for how to achieve win-win situation from equity theory

4. 從黑箱理論中尋找談判點

Look for negotiating points from black-box theory

5. 如何構筑雙贏的談判

How to build a win-win negotiation

6. 零和談判與變和談判

Zero-sum Negotiation and Variable-sum Negotiation


Case study—how to make your opponent feel that he “win” the negotiation


Part II: Look for Negotiating Leverage to Fortify Winning Power

1. 買賣雙方力量對比分析

Contrastive analysis between the strengths of buyer and seller

2. 買方的供應商策略和供應商的顧客策略

Buyer’s supply policy and supplier’s customer strategy

3. 知己知彼 Know yourself as well as the enemy

- 己方市場地位分析

- Analysis of your market position

- 供應商市場地位分析

- Analysis of supplier’s market position

- 己方產品分析

- Analysis of your product

- 供應品市場分析

- Analysis of the market of supplies

4. 主宰談判桌的兩條線

Two lines to dominate the negotiating table

5. 雙方對談判的“訴求”分析

Analysis of both parties’ “appeal” for negotiation

6. 如何創造“訴求”

How to create “appeal”


Case study—dig into the winning secret of “Balabala”

第三部分 談判的八個步驟讓您步步為贏

Part III: 8 Steps in Negotiation for You to Win Step-by-step

1. 如何制造對己有利的態勢

How to create favorable situation for yourself

2. 如何制定戰術

How to develop tactics

3. 如何進行前置談判

How to conduct pre-negotiation

4. 如何制定預案

How to make plan

5. 如何出牌

How to play your card

6. 如何讓步

How to compromise

7. 如何檢討談判成果

How to review the results of negotiation

8. 如何談判收尾

How to end the negotiation


Case study—establishing negotiating steps

第四部分 談判五環布局讓您運籌帷幄

Part IV: 5-link Layout Allows you to Have the Situation Well in Hand in Negotiation

1. 有備無患

Preparedness averts peril

- 地點準備

- Preparation of location

- 時間準備

- Preparation of time

- 進程準備

- Preparation of progress

- 方案準備

- Preparation of scheme

- 如何使用談判底線

- How to use the bottom line of negotiation

- 如何設定談判議題

- How to set the topics for negotiation

2. 如何識別影子決策

How to identify shadow decision

3. 如何組成談判團隊

How to organize negotiating team

4. 如何設置談判環境

How to set the environment of negotiation

5. 以人為本

Focus on people

- 日本人談判風格

- Japanese negotiation style

- 美國人談判風格

- American negotiation style

- 歐洲人談判風格

- European negotiation style

- 中國人談判風格

- Chinese negotiation style


Case study—use 5-link layout to embattle a negotiation

第五部分 洞察成本結構把價格砍到“底”

Part V: Fully understand cost structure, negotiate the price to the “bottom level”

1. 供應商的 6 大成本結構

Supplier’s 6 cost structures

2. 供應商是如何定價的

How does the supplier define the price

3. 如何測算供應商底價

How to measure supplier’s bottom price

4. 如何測算“盈虧平衡點”探明供應商利潤情況

How to measure “break-even point” and ascertain supplier’s profit

5. 何時采取“變動成本法”拿到真正的“最低價”

When to adopt “variable costing” and get the real “bottom price”

6. “標準成本”——讓供應商不得不服的砍價目標

“Standard costs”—the bargaining target supplier has to obey


Case study—analysis of supplier’s cost structure

第六部分 談判桌上的玄機

Part VI: Mysteries on the Negotiating Table

1. 如何妙用語言的藝術

How to use the art of language skillfully

- 語言表達的玄機

- Mysteries in language expression

- 如何從傾聽中尋找玄機

- How to look for mysteries from listening

- 如何發問的玄機

- Mysteries in how to raise questions

- Yes,If 的妙用

- Make best use of YES and IF

2. 讓步的藝術

The art of compromise

- 一步到位戰術

- One-stop Tactics

- 切香腸戰術

- Salami Tactics

- 談判節奏的掌控

- Control the pace of negotiation

- 沉默的妙用

- Magical use of silence

- 小結的妙用

- Magical use of summary

- “黑臉”、“白臉”角色

- Good guy and bad guy

3. 以退為進

Retreat for the sake of advancing

- 以理服人技巧

- Skill of convincing people by reasoning

- 以勢壓人技巧

- Skill of overwhelming others by power

- 以情動人技巧

- Skill of moving people by motion

- 以禮誘人技巧

Skill of seducing people by gift

4. 電話談判技巧

Skill of telephone negotiation


Case study: a negotiation won by skills


Part VII: Lock all Achievements of Negotiation with Contract

1. 百試不爽的十句箴言

10 tried-and-true proverbs

2. 不斷談判,不斷總結

Always negotiate, always summarize

3. 價格條款的風險控制

Risk control in price terms

4. 交期條款的風險控制

Risk control in delivery time terms


Risk control in quality terms

5. 合同執行的風險控制

Risk control in contract execution


中國采購商學院 首席專家 Chief Expert of the Chinese Institute of Purchasing Management

中國采購與供應鏈工作坊 總教練 Head coach of Chinese Purchasing and Supply Chain Workshop

上海跨國采購中心核心專家 Core expert of Shanghai International Purchasing Center

中國好采購-年度千人會創始人 Founder of Chinese Top Purchaser—Annual Thousand People Meeting

中國機械工程學會物流工程分會理事 Member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society Logistics Engineering Division

上海交通大學畢業、中國人民大學 MBA ? Graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University and MBA of Renmin University of China

曾因降低采購成本的突出貢獻,獲得過世界 500 強公司德爾福美國總部全球總裁特別獎。 Used to win the Special Global CEO Awards of Fortune 500 Delphi U.S. Headquarters for outstanding contribution to reduction of purchasing cost

工作訪問過 20 幾個國家,對不同地區采購文化和采購管理有深刻的理解。 Visited more than 20 countries at work and formed profound knowledge on purchasing culture and management in different regions.

對集中采購管理、集團供應鏈管理、流程再造、成本控制、項目采購、績效考核、招投標、供應商評估 與選擇等有豐富的實踐經驗。 Possess rich practical experience in concentrated purchasing management, group supply chain management, process reconstruction, cost control, project purchasing, performance assessment, bidding, and supplier assessment and selection, etc.



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